YouTuber & Adventurer Eva zu Beck directs and presents SuperSkilled – a National Geographic series exploring the power of human potential.

Watched by 2.5M+ worldwide


“In Superskilled, I journey across the globe to meet extraordinarily skilled people, uncovering the untapped power hardwired into the human DNA to live healthier, happier and wilder lives” – Eva zu Beck



Watch the full series

Superskilled Teaser

Credit: Video teaser by DP @joshmonie

Social Media BTS

At Nat Geo HQ – Superskilled in the Making

Spent a week at Nat Geo HQ editing my show SuperSkilled 🥹

On set!

We tested fate more than a few times while filming SuperSkilled 😅

Superskilled Announcement

SuperSkilled is going live tomorrow on Nat Geo’s YouTube channel! 🔥

Episode Snippets

Epic moments from the episodes, shared across social media!

@evazubeck & @natgeo

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